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Tuesday, February 25
Winterfest - Be Active

Todays Winterfest theme is Be Active! (Wear what you love to do)

Wednesday, February 26
Pink Shirt Day

The last Wednesday of February each year is Pink Shirt Day in Canada. Pink Shirt Day, also known as Anti-Bullying Day, raises awareness about bullying in schools, workplaces, at home...

Thursday, February 27
Winterfest - Be Inspired

Todays Winterfest theme is Be Inspired! (Wear what you’d like to be when you grow up)

Friday, February 28
Winterfest - Be Proud

Todays Winterfest theme is Be Proud! (Wear school colours)

Wednesday, March 12
Scottie & Wags' Snack Attack

Scottie and Wags’ SNACK ATTACK! The cart will contain nut-free, store-bought items such as Rice Krispie squares, Goldfish crackers, granola bars, etc. Every item will cost $1. Only cash can...